What Does It Mean To Be Blessed?

In Matthew 14 is one of the accounts of Jesus feeding a multitude of people with what started as inadequate supply. This particular time we are told there were 5,000 men, not including women and children (Mt. 14:21). The ingredients for this feast consisted of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Somehow,  those loaves and fish became enough to feed 1000’s of hungry people with 12 basketfuls left over.

“Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them.”  (Mt 14:19b NLT)

Verse 19 tells us that Jesus took what was not enough and prayed. 

What did He pray?

We would have to add to the story and make stuff up to say He prayed for the food to multiply. We have no record of Him commanding the loaves and fish to become many, many more loaves and fish. All we are told about this prayer is that He blessed them.

Most Christians consider themselves blessed, but if asked what it means to be blessed would struggle to give a good answer. We can learn something about God’s blessing from what happened with those loaves and fish. The blessing of God swallows up inadequacy and transforms what was inadequate into more than enough.  

In Genesis 1:28, the first command God gave man, technically wasn’t a command, it was a blessing. “Then God blessed them and said, ‘Be fruitful and multiply.‘” His blessing changed the population of the earth from 2 to nearly 8 billion people. God’s blessing brings multiplication and increase; it changes insufficiency into abundance.

The enemy will try to make you feel inadequate. He will work to convince you that your gifts, your talents, your abilities, your performance, your parenting skills and whatever else you allow him to, is grossly inadequate.  He wants you to feel like 5 loaves and 2 fish in front of a dinner party of 10,000 people; not enough.  But you are blessed! Part of being blessed means your shortcomings have been consumed by abundance. What used to be a weakness has been turned into strength (2 Co. 12:10).

According to Deuteronomy 28, if you submit to the Lord, you are blessed in the city and blessed in the country. You are blessed when you come in and when you go out. No matter where you are or which way you are headed you are blessed! That means you are perpetually more than enough. Refuse to allow the enemy or circumstances or anything else to make you feel insufficient. Know that God’s blessing has changed that once and for all.

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What Does It Mean To Be Blessed?

The enemy will try to make you feel inadequate. He will work to convince you that your gifts, your talents, your abilities, your performance, your parenting skills and whatever else you allow him to, is grossly inadequate. He wants you to feel like 5 loaves and 2 fish in front of a dinner party of 10,000 people; not enough. But you are blessed!

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