How to Catch the Eye of God

God does not select men and women to use for great things at random.  Often, people resign themselves to the idea that if God wants to do some extraordinary thing in their life, it is entirely up to Him and out of their hands.  That way of thinking runs directly counter to what the Bible says.

2 Chronicles 16:9 says that  “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” (NKJV)

God would love to put His power and strength on display in people’s lives.  The above verse tells us He is literally searching for that opportunity.  And what does that opportunity look like to God? It is a man or woman “whose heart is loyal to Him.”  The word translated “loyal”  means “complete” or “whole.”  God is looking for someone who has 100% set themselves apart for Him and His Kingdom. 

Paul told Timothy, “If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.” (2 Tim 2:21)  In this passage Paul is comparing people to household utensils that are used for different tasks.  He is teaching us that as “utensils” we get  to choose wether we will be used for a special, honorable use, or not.  And the  way we determine that is by whether we set ourselves apart for Him or not. 

God did not randomly select Noah for a special use. Take a minute to read Genesis 6:5-9 and you will see that when everyone on earth had given themselves over to wickedness, there was one guy who hadn’t. Noah.  When God was going to do something with enormous significance, something that would literally change & shape history, His eyes found Noah and He used Noah to “show Himself strong.”

Determine now that His eyes will find you.

Commit yourself to a life of holiness. Choose to genuinely seek His Kingdom first.  Refuse to settle for a common, unremarkable, easily forgotten life.  You have the potential to be great and do great things. God wants to use you for extraordinary purposes.  But He has left it up to you. “IF you keep yourself pure, YOU WILL BE a special utensil…”

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